Kinesiology and blue blocking lights for children

Navigating the Blue Light Maze: Sleep, Development, and Learning in the Digital Age

Managing Blue Light for Better Sleep and Health The Intricacies of Blue Light: Balancing Technology for Health and Development Blue Light Overview Blue Light and Sleep Cycles Good Sleep Hygiene and Management Empowering Families in the Digital Age The Intricacies of Blue Light Blue light, with its short wavelength and high energy, is a double-edged …

Kinesiology for Kids, enhancing childrens learning through movement, OT activities for childhood development.

Kinesiology for Kids: A Guide to Enhancing Child Development

Kinesiology is such a complex term and often means different things worldwide. In its broadest term, Kinesiology is the study of human movement, performance, and function, also known as human kinetics. It encompasses a broad range of disciplines, including physiology, biomechanics, psychology, neuroscience, and anatomy, and is concerned with understanding the mechanics and dynamics of …

Opening Doors with Kinesiology

‘Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny’ Gandhi. As parents, we unknowingly impart much to our children, including our emotional responses and fears. I vividly recall observing my son mirroring my father’s …

Reading Writing and Letter Reversal

X II and ∞, are the three of the main symbols used for Kinesiology and Braingym integration balances. These images symbolise either a left, right-brain dominance or, most importantly, whole-brain integration. The X symbolises full brain integration while the ∞ is the movement pattern the cross follows during the balancing process. The infinity symbol stems …