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Growing Pains: Kinesiology and Chinese 5-Element Theory

The phase of childhood and adolescence often accompanies growth spurts, an integral part of development. With growth come common discomforts known as growing pains, which can be effectively managed through the holistic practices of kinesiology, delving deep into the realms of Chinese medicine. These approaches offer comprehensive solutions that extend beyond mere physical discomforts.

Understanding Growing Pains in Children

During growth spurts, children commonly experience growing pains—manifesting as muscle aches, joint stiffness, mood swings, and even learning challenges. However, navigating these discomforts becomes more manageable through holistic interventions.

The Role of Kinesiology in Managing Growing Pains

Kinesiology sessions tailored for children experiencing growth-related discomforts play a pivotal role in addressing various facets of their well-being. These specialized sessions encompass:

  • Biochemical Balancing: Addressing imbalances through nutritional support and understanding the body’s biochemical needs during growth.
  • Enhancing Sleep Quality: Focusing on improving sleep quality and reaching deeper sleep cycles to aid in the body’s restoration during growth phases.
  • Emotional Release and Awareness: Cultivating emotional awareness and release is crucial for children adapting to physical and emotional changes during growth spurts.

Specific Techniques in Kinesiology Sessions

These specialised sessions often involve acupressure techniques, meridian work, and emotional release tailored for children experiencing growing pains. Acupressure points are gently manipulated to alleviate discomfort and aid emotional balance.

Simple Colour Balancing for Relief

An additional approach includes a simple colour balance that parents or caregivers can implement at home to ease discomfort in the lower legs and shins, common areas for growing pains. These colour balance techniques involve using specific colours associated with acupressure points.

  • Blue Points (picture) and their Significance: Utilising blue colour points addresses restlessness, impatience, fear, or anxiety often linked to growing pains. Children can be guided to find and focus on matching colours in their surroundings, promoting emotional relaxation.

These colour-balancing exercises engage children actively, aiding them in managing emotional discomforts associated with growth phases. Tender points often respond well to gentle massage, releasing tension and gradually pulsating as they relax.

Growing pains, a common occurrence in children, are especially pronounced during periods of rapid growth, such as around the age of 9. This phase often coincides with significant physical and emotional changes, leading to discomfort and restlessness in young children. Rudolf Steiner offers a unique perspective on this, connecting these developmental stages to the emergence of children’s teeth loss and gain but essentially skull growth. According to Steiner’s theory, the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones is not merely a physical milestone but also reflects deeper changes in a child’s consciousness and being. He posits that the growth and shedding of teeth are closely linked to the development of a child’s individuality and cognitive abilities. This holistic view suggests that the physical discomforts of growing pains, including those experienced during rapid growth spurts at around age 9, are intertwined with significant developmental strides, marking a crucial phase in the unfolding of a child’s unique personality and intellectual capacities.

So it is with this we are encouraged to dive in deeper during those moments of rapid growth and change.