Kinesiology for Developmental Delays web post
Understanding Developmental Delays & Kinesiology’s Role | Holistic Healing for Children

Understanding Developmental Delays and the Role of Kinesiology

Developmental delays can manifest at any stage of life, indicating that a child or young person is developing physically, emotionally, or socially at a slower pace than typically expected. Recognising these delays early on is crucial, as they can significantly impact an individual’s growth and development. Regular health checks during a child’s first year with doctors, midwives, and child and family health nurses are essential to monitor progress and identify any concerns early.

Causes and Prevalence of Developmental Delays

The causes of developmental delays are varied, ranging from genetic factors to environmental influences. Recent studies and media reports have highlighted an increasing prevalence of developmental delays among children, with particular emphasis on the impact of school closures and lockdowns, which have been linked to delayed speech and social skills.

Common Examples of Developmental Delays:

  • Motor Skills Delays: Difficulty with rolling over, sitting, crawling, or walking, along with poor head and neck control.
  • Speech and Language Delays: Including delayed speech development.
  • Social and Emotional Delays: Such as extended duration of parallel play, poor eye contact, difficulty reading social cues, and separation anxiety.
  • Other Issues: Clumsiness, bedwetting, and more.

How Kinesiology Can Help

Kinesiology offers a holistic approach to addressing developmental delays by focusing on the root causes. Whether it’s a nutritional imbalance, past trauma, a need for neuropathway reinforcement, over-stimulation, or self-esteem issues, kinesiology aims to open new pathways for better integration within the body. This approach seeks to identify and address the underlying issues and supports the body’s natural healing processes.

Kinesiology and Complementary Therapies

Kinesiology works hand-in-hand with traditional and other therapeutic approaches, including:

  • Speech Therapy: To support and enhance language development.
  • Occupational Therapy: For improving daily living and motor skills.
  • Chiropractic and Physiotherapy: To address physical alignments and muscle function.
  • Educational Support: This includes tuition to assist with learning difficulties.

By integrating kinesiology with these therapies, individuals experiencing developmental delays can achieve more comprehensive and effective outcomes. This holistic approach supports overall well-being and development, paving the way for a more balanced and healthy life.

How can Kinesiology help the development of my child? A Personal in Clinic Testimony

Names changed and published with permission.

Discover the inspiring journey of Lucas, a young boy whose early life was marked by developmental challenges. As Lucas approached the milestone of starting school, his parents were concerned about his struggles with fine motor skills, particularly in activities that required precise hand-eye coordination and writing. These difficulties were symptomatic of retained primitive reflexes, specifically the Moro (startle) reflex and the palmar grasp reflex. Retained reflexes are involuntary movements that typically integrate during infancy, but in Lucas’s case, they persisted, causing significant challenges.

Leaning into Kinesiology

The journey toward overcoming these challenges began with a cautious but hopeful exploration of kinesiology, a recommendation from a member of their playgroup. Kinesiology, focusing on muscle testing and holistic assessment, presented a new avenue for addressing Lucas’s developmental hurdles. The family’s initial scepticism gradually gave way to trust as they met with a kinesiologist who specialized in childhood development and the integration of primitive reflexes. Through comprehensive assessments, the kinesiologist pinpointed the root causes of Lucas’s retained reflexes. A tailored program was developed for Lucas, incorporating exercises aimed at integrating these reflexes. These activities were therapeutic and enjoyable, blending play with purpose to enhance body awareness, balance, and coordination.

Witnessing Transformation

Lucas’s journey through kinesiology brought remarkable changes. His exaggerated startle response diminished, and the integration of the palmar grasp reflex improved his ability to manipulate objects with his hands, a crucial skill for academic success. Beyond the physical improvements, kinesiology fostered Lucas’s emotional resilience and self-esteem, preparing him for school life’s social and academic demands. By the time school started, Lucas was not just prepared; he was eager to embark on this new chapter, free from the constraints of his early reflexes.

Lucas’s story is a powerful example of how holistic approaches like kinesiology can address developmental challenges, offering children like Lucas a chance to thrive. This narrative underscores the importance of understanding and intervening in developmental issues, highlighting kinesiology’s role in facilitating significant life transitions for children.