Kinesiology for Teens

The teenage years are a time of rapid growth, hormone changes and brain development. It is also a time of schooling stress, social and peer pressure, self-development and self-actualisation. Some preteens and teenagers glide through this stage easily, while most need a little help, reassurance, directional adjustment and emotional release along the way. Kinesiology is a highly effective tool for calming the nervous system, regulating biochemical pathways and relieving emotional tension. 

Teenagers are interesting creatures of habit and often resistant to change. Once they understand what Kinesiology is all about, they will happily return for more. 

I have worked with many teenagers over the last 16 years. The concept of health, well-being, and social engagement has changed dramatically, but the core triggers and underlying issues remain similar. Common reasons why teens will seek out and benefit from Kinesiology sessions are;

  • Hormonal and weight issues
  • Skin issues
  • Feeling anxious/stressed
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Social isolation, changing friendships or bullying  
  • Body image, self-esteem and self-identity
  • Learning, educational and performance pressures
  • Self-harm, grief, eating disorders

While Kinesiology does not diagnose or treat an illness, it does dive deep into the subconscious and deals with the root cause.

Over the age of 16, it is recommended that teens have their sessions without their parents in the room. 

Kinesiology for sleep, Kinesiology for teens, Kinesiology helping balance sleep and stress for a happy healthy teenager, kinesiology for teens coffs harbour,